The purpose of this website is to provide general information to help prepare SOM faculty and staff for disruptions to face-to-face teaching and large meetings. In the event that classes cannot be taught in person, faculty may be required to rapidly move their courses online. The links below will direct you to resources and contact information for assistance. Additional links will be added as resources are launched.
Zoom Synchronous Online Meetings
JHU now allows faculty & staff to sign up for basic and, with department permission, Pro/Licensed Zoom accounts.
Do I need a Pro/Licensed account or a basic account?
A basic user can host meetings with up to 300 participants and their meetings will end after 40 minutes. Pro/Licensed user meetings will not end at 40 minutes, so if you need to use Zoom to teach for longer than 40 minutes and have department approval, you should follow the steps to create a Pro/Licensed account.
Do NOT select “Zoom Large Meeting Add-on”, this option will not work.
For Basic Accounts (free, meetings capped at 40 minutes)
Step 4: Select Basic license type, and click Order Now on the right.For Pro / Licensed Accounts (for teaching longer than 40 minutes)
Step 4: Select Licensed license type.Step 5: Enter your SAP Billing Number and Fund Number as directed, then click Order Now on right. Faculty must get their SAP Cost Center # from their department administrator.
You will then receive two emails indicating your request has been processed and approved with instructions to access your account.
Upcoming Zoom training webinars
- May 6, 2020, 2:00 PM Eastern Time / 11:00 AM Pacific Time
Register Here
After registering, you will be able to download a calendar reminder, which holds the information to join the webinar, along with a reminder email the day before.
Additional resources
- SOM Office of Academic Computing Guide
- Johns Hopkins-specific guides and information
- Desktop client
- Short video tutorials
- Getting started – an organized collection of guides
- Pre-recorded training sessions
- How do I schedule meetings?
- Once scheduled, the Zoom app gives you an easy copy/paste of all the meeting connection info that you'll want to distribute to your fellow attendees.
- Integrate Outlook with Zoom (this is optional)
- Personal Meeting ID (PMI)
- A virtual meeting room that's permanently reserved for you. The ID and connection info never change, so it’s not ideal for back-to-back meetings.
Recorded Lectures
Faculty can create Voice-Over PowerPoint (VOPP) lectures at home simply using PowerPoint. We have prepared how to guides for both Windows and Mac versions:
Create Recorded Lectures on Windows Create Recorded Lectures on Mac Create Recorded Lectures using Zoom
If the final video is too large for email or OneDrive delivery, please contact the Office of Online Education (JHOnline@jhmi.edu) for video delivery options.OneDrive
All JHU faculty, staff, and current students have access to Microsoft Office 365 with their JHed ID and password when logging in through https://login.microsoftonline.com or through the my.jh.edu portal, following the instructions at http://www.it.johnshopkins.edu/services/email/Office365/. (If logging in directly through Microsoft, make sure you use your JHU email in the format JHedID @ jh.edu with no spaces.)
This subscription provides both web apps (online) and full versions of the Microsoft Office Education Suite (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote -- downloadable on up to 5 devices, including macs, PCs, and mobile devices) as well as 5TB of cloud storage in OneDrive for Business. Office 365 also allows each user to define levels of sharing toward collaboration on individual documents or file directories. Sharing is made easy for JHSPH students and faculty by the built-in address book tied to the Johns Hopkins accounts. When students and faculty need to collaborate on a project or other course resource, their JHU OneDrive account is an appropriate and readily available option to exchange documents with each other.
Get Help
Robert Kearns
Director, Office of Online Education
(410) 955-0050
Megan Thorne
Instructional Designer, Office of Online Education
(410) 502–5176
Lindsay Ledebur
Instructional Designer, Office of Online Education
(410) 502-5286
Sara Burns
Instructional Designer, Office of Online Education
Ashley Law
Instructional Technologist, Office of Online Education
(410) 502-5163
Harry Goldberg
Director, Office of Academic Computing